A Russian is a good wives.
Russian girls and women have an amazing ability to adapt. Nowhere, except in Russia could the proverb have been, "Man is not the dog gets used to anything."
In an environment that is normal for any Westerner is absolutely intolerable, and a Russian person feels like a fish in water.
In family life, this ability translates into an infinite tolerance. Russian wife do not even notice any infringement of their interests, where a normal woman from the West would have slammed the door after a heated argument. And it's not spoiled or ill-temper - just a Western woman does not have the psychic mobility, which allows you to exist in this situation without losing the integrity of your own "I".
For a wives from Russia, a compromise is a way of life. That's the whole secret. Wife from Russia are no better. They are not better. They are simply more tolerant. In Russia evaluation scale of values has more divisions, and where their Western thermometer "rolls over" ours continues to work well. Generally it is a great thing - the ability to accept the reality and the people as they are.
And more…For the position of Western women, who are housewives, rank somewhere on the level of janitor. She is able to feel happy, just reaching certain professional peaks. In principle, it is something to fight for, a high professional position provides a high standard of living.
Online acquaintances have their advantages and disadvantages. In the net shy people feel themselves less repressed don’t think about their appearance and also about their financial attractiveness. But one shouldn’t also forget about ‘dark sides’ of online acquaintances. Not to make mistakes one should pay attention at a short but very efficient list of our advices. Read more
You have just found happiness and, found your second half – a clever charming bride from Russia or Ukraine but everything turned out to be not as milky as it could seem at a first sight. Your wife has already a child. Naturally, in the case if you love her, want to live happily through the whole life together, are ready to take responsibility for a ‘someone else’s’ child upbringing. Let’s give a more detailed consideration to this situation and try to give some useful advices. Read more