Myths or truth? - good wives and excellent mothers
The general view of Western men: Russian girls are kinder, more caring, they are good housekeepers and good wives. Women in the West, according to the general male point of view, are too materialistic, demanding and spoiled. To some extent this is true.
Russian girls make really good mothers and wives. Most of them are great hostess, who are very well prepared. Their homes are usually clean. And they always need someone to take care of. It is very important for local women. If there is no one for them to worry about, there is no point in doing something just for yourself. Russian girl naturally put family ahead of career. Western men referred to this as a commitment to traditional family values
The general view of Western men: Russian women are kinder, more caring, and they are good wives, "Russian women are, for me – they are the women who devote themselves entirely to their men - fathers, sons, and most of all, their husbands and lovers. In this sense, they have no equal"
An interesting point of view: Polls from hundreds of men, sociologists have come to the conclusion that in Russian girls there is nothing special, except for a different culture. They’ve just been brought up in other conditions that cause a different way of human interaction.
Now on dating sites there are ten thousand of advertisements form girls of all ages – from 18 to 45 years old. From one side any man is attracted by youth and beauty, from the other – experience and matureness of grown-up women. What bride’s age is considered to be the most suitable for marriage in Russia? A short characteristic of age groups of lonely Russian girls – their interests, desires, attitude to a family, marriage and many other things. Don’t be mistaken in your choice of a Russian wife! Read more
As it happens, secrets of femininity are in special character traits which a real woman should possess to men’s minds. Thus, she must be sensitive, tender, modest and have a sense of humor. She should take delight in every new day. She should also be an attentive mother and wife but not forget about such a character trait as playfulness. To men’s minds, playfulness makes Slavic beauties desirable and attractive. Read More