Myths or truth? All Russians are long-legged blonde beauties with model looks
1.How does the average Russian girl look? As a rule, she is blonde. She has blonde hair, with usually blue or green eyes , and fair skin. They are slender, in Russia, you rarely see a young girl being overweight. This is because Russia has more natural food. With a great figure and good looks, young women from Russia, Ukraine and CIS countries are the standard of beauty and sexuality
But in fact, only about half of the Russian girls look like this. Among them are many long-legged brunettes and brown-haired women with brown eyes. In some regions of the country you can meet girls with a special shape of eyes, something reminiscent of Asia. Of course, this is not ethnic Russian, but they speak in Russian without an accent and have Russian passports. This is because that Russia is a large international country and many people live in its territory. This mixture of different peoples and the modern Russian women gave such interesting types of looks.
Another interesting feature of the Slavic women is their makeup. Russians use a lot more makeup than Western women. In Europe or the United States every second girl is without makeup at all, but in RUSSIA you see very few. Some women do not leave the house without makeup, even if they just go to the nearest store.
Though a belief is popular that brunettes are much more passionate and affectionate in comparison with blondes, white-haired beauties are still much more desirable. In the course of sociologic polls it turned out that 40% of men prefer to go romancing with a blonde woman and only 13% with a brunette. Subconsciously a fair hair color is associated with purity and innocence. Due to this blondes feel themselves more feminine and men more masculine.Read more
Brunettes always take special place in people’s minds, they are like an antonym of blondes: serious and thoughtful. Men guess that brunettes take better care of their appearance, cook better and keep an ideal cleanness at home. 54% of 1000 men polled by sociologists would prefer to choose a brunette as a life partner. This deep and classical hair color can be often met with Russian girls. Read more