Western Men prefer Russian blonde girls.
Most of the men think that a typical Russian girl is blonde, gentle creature, who is endearing with her femininity. But at the same time many such men have noted an increased moodiness of blonde ladies. Also they think that blondes are much easier to reconcile and absolutely placable. Many men believe that blondes are more vulnerable, less adapted to life, that is why usually men propose them that to patronize, protect and cherish. This is exactly what most men want in relationships with Russian women. The feminine of the Russians attracts single men around the world.
But the whole idea of the Russian blondes was primarily dictated by stereotypes, especially that these women are soft hearted and feminine and many people believe in that fact. Despite this opinion about temperamental Russian brunettes, blondes, however, are still considered to be moresexy and attractive.
According to the data of researches in Russia, in purely psychological terms blonde women are more stable differ genuine spontaneity and have a cheerful temper, than girls with other hair color. They are kinder and more capable of self-sacrifice for a loved person.
Blonde girl looks younger than brunette of the same age. The skin of blondes has been much more elasticity than other women, and it helps blondes, which are many in Russia, to maintain their youthfulness for years. Moreover, even the blonde smells differently and isolate in her context a more specific hormonal substance that excites men!
"Western Men prefer Russian blondes” ... This is nonsense! Men prefer nice, cheerful, sociable, smart and intelligent Russian women. The hair color is probably the last thing that men pay attention to when they meet an attractive and smiling girl.
There is an anecdote in Russia: ‘Ukrainian women look in a man for strong muscles, wide shoulders, strong legs, a flat tummy, bright eyes, a firm chin, long fingers, thick hair, pleasant smile on a handsome face and a height of about 2 meters. Or an inimitable peculiarity which will make her forget all this rubbish’. Some useful advices – how to gain heart and seduce a lady from Russia. Read more
In our modern world it may seem that it is not so difficult to get acquainted with a woman. All the more reason is that with the passing of the years the getting acquainted process itself has improved much and even acquired its camouflage and secrets. Online acquaintances don’t differ much in real life but they have much in common anyway. But what is the main thing in this very first acquaintance with a woman and where can one get acquainted with her? Read more