russian brunettes
Russian girls, brunettes, according to men, have a strong and tough character, and also they are a little bitchy. But, the truth is that dark-haired women are more passionate and creative in sex. In general, many men think that brunettes play the role of a strong, confident and a femme fatale woman, which means she can even be happy without a man in her life and his support.
According to scientists, brunette girls are preferred by men who are accustomed to living in a strictly logical system. This category includes most of the men from western countries. Those who live more intuitively, 65 percent are choosing blond Girls.
Psychologists explain this by saying that brunettes look like more serious and reliable women. But geneticists believe that the desire to build a family with brunettes is inherited in the nature of men. The fact is, brunettes are carriers of more powerful genes. So brunettes’ offspring will be rather stronger. That is why men on their subconscious level aim to build a family with brunettes.
In Russia, there are fewer girls - brunettes than blondes. Who knows, maybe it is an obvious attempt to follow the fashion, but today we can definitely say it is out of fashion. More and more men like brunettes. It should be noted that the brunette in Russia have a bright, original and expressive appearance - this is the result of genetic mixing with eastern blood with Slavic one.
According to data of the polls, 87% of male respondents named brunettes smarter, 67% reported about their self-sufficiency and independence, and 62% - called them confident and competent.
However, in real life Russian brunettes are totally different. They are slender or thick women with short legs, or they have a model appearance, their hair style can be gorgeous long hair or short boyish haircut. Pale and dark, vulgar and refined, with a different religion, character, stature. Depraved and courteous, tender and brutal, smiling and angry, with a look in the eyes of a hawk or a hare. The only thing that unites them - the color of the hair, but it is difficult to say something good or bad about beautiful Russian girls just according to that fact.
A red hair color possessed a special magic from of old. It always attracted an eye and left nobody indifferent. At distant times people looked at red girls suspiciously. In course of time people’s views changed for admiration and wonder about this unusual nature’s gift. Today among young and beautiful Russian women this hair color is extremely popular. Read more
Progress went so far that little by little our life flows into virtual reality. As early as twenty years ago a situation when hundreds of millions of people from different countries can at any moment communicate with each other could be called a science fiction. Naturally, acquaintances are the main problem in the Internet as well as in the real life. People communicate, they fall with each other, get married… Read more