Only a lazy or handless person could fail to write about the phenomenal beauty of Russian girls.
And what a pretty, clever, well-groomed, educated, splendid housewife she is… We are not going to throw ourselves out of the harmonious team worshipping the Russian woman, moreover it is our first-rate professional aim.
It is recognized that Russian women meet the acknowledged beauty standards. We imagine a Russian beauty as a slender woman with regular features, straight nose, large blue eyes, dark blond tressed hair – so is usually Russia depicted on various touristy goods popular among foreign tourists. Sounds tempting, but in practice everything is much better. All women born in the territory of the former USSR are used to be referred to as Russian women. And these are noble black-eyed Ukrainians and delicate Kazakhs with their unique eye shape, as well as giggly Tatars and girls of cold Scandinavian type – natives of Baltics. This blood mix led to the fact that in Russian one can find a woman for any taste and every of them is beautiful. And with a sense of style, a habit of taking care of herself (not just put on make-up in several layers), art of pointing their advantages out and concealing disadvantages you will understand why it is hard to resist such a woman.
Probably, statement about the beauty of Russian women appeared in the 90th, when the Soviet Union’s borders broke down and thousands, tens and hundreds of thousands of former soviet women rushed into the outworld. They actively brought various market fields under their control. They made their contribution to the international beauty industry. Left not the best imprint on the criminal body trade. And earned an image of good, kind wives.
Anyway, there were serious grounds for the statement about the Russian women’s beauty to emerge. First, a kind of blood mix was seen over the course of history in our immense motherland that Europe couldn’t dream of. Northern folks with their cold appearance rejoined with Tatar-Mongol hot bloods and children born from mixed marriages inherited all the best from their parents.
One shouldn’t forget that Russia avoided the religious barbarities that took place in Europe when the most beautiful women were exterminated as witches and heretics. Though Russian weaker sex representatives were hit bad patch in their lives, they were respected and weren’t eliminated for their facial beauty.
Anyhow, there is a historical background for the fact that in the ancient Russian land were born more of amiable women than anywhere else. But do really the Russian women excel in their outer beauty or is it an exaggeration? Everything is, as they speak, human. To some men’s liking are Russian girls, others worship other standards.
Updates with statistics. Voting was held this year: respondents were to answer a question: ‘Women of which nationality do you consider the most attractive? 54 per cent think that the most beautiful women live in Russia, 27 per cent consider the home of the most attractive weaker sex representatives to be the Land of the Rising Sun. 14 per cent voted for the classical variant – to their opinion the most beautiful woman in the world is a French one. The same amount considers the true beauties’ home to be Germany. Less votes – 5 per cent – were for Italians.
Russian girls are not just beautiful bodies and attractive appearances. They are also lightness and flirtation as well as allure. They are appeal and coquetry. All these together make up the ‘Russian standard’ of a woman’s sexuality. A Slavic woman practices contrasts: today tenderness and meekness are peculiar for her and tomorrow she charms her man with her rush and passion. The word ‘sexy’ fits as no other to characterize Slavic beauties. Read more
Modern beauties learned well the lessons of incomparable Marilyn Monroe who called women’s underwear the main weapon of a woman. That’s why one of the most outrageous inventions of fashion-industry is a bikini already staying for decades on a peak of popularity in Russia. A beautiful body can’t be spoiled with a bathing suit. This rule is cunningly used by young Russian girls who chose bikini as a beach garment as it in particular should underline beauty and sexuality of a young woman’s body.Read more