russian girls: Mercantile and calculating?
You can use such words about the girls from Eastern Europe all the time. Predators of men and money, swindlers, materialistic people ... In fact, these girls are interested mainly in the Italian purse is more like a legend than a reality. But every rule has its exceptions.
When you meet a beautiful girl, be careful when on the first date, she will let you know if you should give her tons of necessary gifts that to win her. It is a clear signal that she wants your money, and then she is going to leave you.
We should also add that in the former USSR, all lunches and dinners, especially during courtship, the man pays. If you've met a girl who could pay for a trip to the cinema or pizza in your country, forget about it in Russia. This approach does not imply a desire to sit on the neck of a man, it's just the mentality of features.
At the same time throw out of your head the idea that a girl from Russia only wants to escape their country, ready to rush to the first comer. Except in exceptional cases, girls who live in big cities are not crazy about the idea of moving to the West. Do not forget that these women have deep ties to their homeland and would not want to leave it, even if unacceptable to us is to live in the cold winter of -20. Thus, the Russian girls are not desperate persons; they do not need to leave the borders of their country in order to feel successful.
A portrait of a Russian woman formed in the imagination of men is close to an ideal. A good and faithful wife, beautiful, clever... Looking at numerous dating sites where in the photos there are thousands of beautiful, young beauties from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova as if coming down from glossy magazine covers, one involuntarily thinks – are they really so good? What are they like, Russian girls in the real, everyday life? read here
In recent years many dating services offer men romantic tours to the countries of the former USSR. During such a trip men visit 5-10 various cities where social parties for acquaintances with girls are organized for them. It is worth saying that there are as a rule several times more brides than bridegrooms. A choice is huge. Probably just that’s why such tours organized by big dating agencies have a great popularity. In more detail…